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Physical Security

Safeguard your business with robust physical security and keep employees and customers safe

Physical security describes measures designed to ensure the physical protection of IT assets like facilities, equipment, personnel, resources and other properties from damage and unauthorized physical access. Physical security measures are taken to protect these assets from physical threats including theft, vandalism, fire, and natural disasters. Though often overlooked in favor of cybersecurity, physical security is equally important.

With cutting-edge technology and the Internet of Things revolution, the world of physical security has drastically changed—making your physical once a safe space has never been easier,

Access Control and Physical Security Systems have become necessary for most companies. Whether they are large or small companies, they need to protect their facilities, data, and personnel.

We provide solutions for Security including, CCTV Video Surveillance, Access Control, Intrusion detection, and Fire Alarm with an integrated security system that matches all customer requirements. Closed-circuit television, also known as video surveillance, is the use of video cameras for monitoring and protection of critical areas

  • Why implement an Access Control System?
  • 1-Provide “Controlled Access” to the facility
  • 2-Allow access only to authorized personnel
  • 3-Implement a ‘Security Protocol & Policy’ to make employees, visitors, and the facility safe
  • 4-Implement a security and access level hierarchy based on personnel function
  • 5-Automate and enhance the identification process
  • 6-Automate personnel tracking
  • 7-Minimize human error
  • 8-Track outside contractors and vendors
  • 9-Record and generate reports of access for each area

    Access electronic or simply put RFID automated access for door controls to buildings, departments, rooms, secured closets (wiring, PBX, etc.) and cabinets is very cost effective and secure to use. Many people do not realize how easy it is to implement card access systems such as card access door or doors using RFID readers and RFID Cards or Keyfobs for Secured Access Control Management. You can even use smart readers for computer rooms and securing individual computers.


    The New Generation of Smart Devices in Biometrics for Access Control enhances building security, internal communications, and employee management, at a significantly lower total cost of ownership than previous biometric systems for physical access control. Whether being used to access a building, secure restricted locations within, or for time and attendance management, biometric authentication technology has come a long way. Just a few years ago, the debate surrounding biometrics was focused on whether biometrics were accurate and could handle large populations, among many other operational issues

  • Fire Alarm System

    Safety and compliance of fire codes is required by law, but not everyone takes the proper precautions to ensure their personal safety. If you’re concerned that your fire-safety systems are not up to par, let us send in our certified experts to remedy the problem. Fire Alarm System will keep your employees safe and protect your company's important assets. Protect your people and property with our market-leading systems. They can be tailored for a wide range of buildings, applications and markets, and our technology and comprehensive maintenance can make your job easier by improving serviceability and saving time.