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Data Security

    Ensure sensitive data is well protected across multiple environments, meet privacy regulations and simplify operational complexity

    With the increasing use of technology and the world becoming more digital, organizations have started to collect more and more personal data. For an organization, their consumers’ data is an asset as it helps them to understand their customers better. While this data is important for an organization to generate revenue, they also have a responsibility to protect it against security incidents and data breaches.

    Data security is the practice of protecting digital information from unauthorized access, corruption, or theft throughout its entire lifecycle. It refers to the controls, policies, and procedures that have been put in place to protect personal data stored within the organization and safeguard it against security incidents and data breaches. A security incident can result due to the failure of any technical or organizational measure taken by your company. For example, failure of the firewall, error in the role and access concept, lack of password protection, data leakage, malware access, or breach of internal security regulations. A security incident can be physical or technical or both.

  • Types of Data security

    • Encryption:
    • Using an algorithm to transform normal text characters into an unreadable format, encryption keys scramble data so that only authorized users can read it.  File and database encryption solutions serve as a final line of defence for sensitive volumes by obscuring their contents through encryption or tokenization. Most solutions also include security key management capabilities.

    • Data Erasure:
    • There are times when data is no longer required and needs to be erased from all systems. This can be a great way of removing liability. Data that does not exist cannot be breached. More secure than standard data wiping, data erasure uses software to completely overwrite data on any storage device. It verifies that the data is unrecoverable.

    • Data Masking:
    • Data masking software hides data by obscuring letters and numbers with proxy characters. This is another method of encryption that leaves data useless to anyone trying to breach the data. By masking data, organizations can allow teams to develop applications or train people using real data. It masks personally identifiable information (PII) where necessary so that development can occur in environments that are compliant.

    • Data Resiliency:
    • Creating backup and copies of data is a great way of mitigating the risk of accidental data loss or destruction. All organizations should have a backup in place for their data stores.